Dreamland Theatre
Ogden, Utah
Charles and George Driskell were managers of the Dreamland Theatre on Washington Avenue for most of 1908. They made improvements to the playhouse in March, including the addition of landscape panels on the walls made by local artists. In August, the Dreamland added a second projector, eliminating the need for intermissions at reel changes. A claim by George Driskell that he had “worked with untiring energy” to secure exclusive engagements at the Dreamland provoked a strong response from R. W. Strong with 20th Century Optiscope, who claimed the entire credit for resolving booking conflicts lay with the national Film Service Association. Two months later, the Dreamland reopened under the management of Fred Tout and Fred Anderson.
New Theatre for Brigham
Box Elder News, 8 August 1912
H. N. Bowring has just about completed the excavation for the stage of a splendid new theatre which he proposes to erect on the site of the present Gem theatre. The excavation is made in the rear of the theatre and is 50 x 90 feet, nine feet deep. The length of the building over all will be 167 feet and fifty feet wide. It will contain a stage large enough to handle any show on the road today and the scenery will all be hoisted up in the flies instead of rolled up; the curtain will operate in the same manner.
The building, when finished, will have a sloping floor and an auditorium that will seat 800 people. There will be no balcony, but boxes will be erected on each side of the stage. It is the purpose of Mr. Bowring to lease the building, when finished, to J. B. Ashton, of Provo, who will give a vaudeville program one night a week and motion pictures the balance of the time unless some traveling company books for an engagement. The name of the new play house will be "The Princess," and work on its erection will be rushed to completion.