Tribune, Villa Fete 1,000 Handicapped
Salt Lake Tribune, 18 July 1967, page 17
"This is a thrill."
"This will be my biggest day of the year."
Those are a few of the random comments from 1,000 handicapped shut-in youngsters and adults who were special guests at the Cinerama production "Grand Prix" Monday at 1 p.m.

Some of the more than 1,000 Salt Lake Area shutins who saw "Grand Prix" as guests of the Salt Lake Tribune and Villa Theatre Monday are brought into theater. Another 1,000 will see the film Tuesday.
Salt Lake Tribune, page 17, 18 July 1967
Salt Lake Tribune, page 17, 18 July 1967
The special showing was presented by The Salt Lake Tribune and the Villa Theatre, 3092 Highland Dr.
The group arrived by bus and car from day-care centers, nursing homes and hospitals from Salt Lake City, American Fork, Provo and other nearby communities.
The rain failed to dampen enthusiasm of the group as the buses and cars were driven under the marquee to keep the passengers dry.
Another 1,000 special guests are expected to see the Cinerama movie again Tuesday.