
Opera House Walls Fall

Davis County Clipper, 12 March 1909, page 1
The stiff breeze from the east Tuesday night blew down the walls of the Bountiful opera house, which had stood since the building burned some twelve days before.

The bulk of the brick fell inside the building and to the southwest, but enough fell to the north to badly crush in the south wall of the Holbrook-Smedley Furniture building, at the bottom. The furniture inside, however, was not seriously damaged.

Albert Burninghams' barber shop, which had been moved to the south side of the opera house, was crushed into kindling wood.

Joseph Knighton and Frank Yurka escaped without any serious damage to their buildings.

The front wall fell on the electric light wires, putting out the lights in the Bountiful meeting houses where the Mutuals were being held as well as the private residences.