Another Salt Lake Blaze
Wasatch Wave, 8 July 1890, page 3
The Grand Opera House of Salt Lake was burned on the night of July 3d. The "Held by the Enemy" troup had finished their performance and prepared their scenery etc. for shipment, and the "After Dark" people were arranging their stage settings when a draft of wind from the front door brought one of the flies in contact with the border lights and before anything could be done the whole stage was in flames.
The alarm was promptly given and the firemen were soon on the ground but unable to save the building. Ropes were stretched across the street at each end of the block to keep back the crowd which was estimated at 5,000 people. The firemen got the flames under control about 1 a. m, but all that was left of that magnificent building was four blackened walls.
The Opera House cost over $130,000. Professor Cromwell lost twenty-four lectures and views for illustrating them valued at from $25,000 to $30,000.
"Held by the Enemy's" loss amounted to $5,000.
The "After Dark" company's loss is estimated at $2,500, and the loss sustained by the tenants of the front part of the building will swell the amount to $200,000. The building was insured for $50,000.