New Opera House Now Assured
Manti Messenger, 18 March 1909, page 8
Stock Nearly All Subscribed. Articles of Incorporation Adopted and New Officers Elected. Building Site Selected.
[NOTE: The original document is in very poor condition and many words and names are illegible. We have guessed on many words, but others were impossible to figure out and have been written as they appeared.]
A meeting of the stockholders of the Manti Theater company was held at the commercial club rooms Friday evening for the purpose of adopting articles of incorporation, electing a board of directors and deciding upon the site for the new opera house. The room was full of stockholders and interested citizens and a lively and en bosinette session followed. J. R. Anderson was selected to preside over the meeting and Aity Woolley as secretary. Articles of incorporation were submitted and afterwards read section by section and passed, with a few slight amendments.
The following named stock holders were elected as directors to hold office until the date of the first annual meeting which is to be held on the third Monday of May, 1910. I. R. Anderson, W. O Snow, Stanley Crawford, Quines Crawford, and L. D. Voorl, vice president, W. C. Snow, secretary.
The question of a site for the new building was the one that was expected to bring forth many propositions and much oratory, but there were only four propositions put, as follows, James Crawford Jr. offered the Thornton property adjoining the Farmers Implement & Hardware store, at $,000 to include the Bon Ton pavilion, the material of which is estimated to be worth approximately $1,000, for use in the new building. W. K. Barton offered the vacant lot situated immediately south of the court house, 75 feet frontage by 180 feet in depth for $1,000. Mr. M. E. Harmon proposed to furnish a 115 foot frontage on Main street, between Depot and Union streets, for $2,000. N. H. Felt offered to turn his pavilion in to be used as a drill hall, gymnasium and dance hall, at $1,500, providing the company would buy his lot on the corner of Main and Depot street at $1,200 and build the opera house upon it. After considering all propositions and discussing them thoroughly a motion prevailed in put the question to a vote with the teenlt that the Thornton property was selected by big odds. All propositions were made with the understanding that the property was to be paid for in stock at piu value of $1.00 per share.
The property selected is an ideal location, situated exactly on the dividing line between the two wards and as nearly the center of the population as is possible to get it and in close proximity to both school buildings so that the gymnasium will be accessible.