
Film Fire Saturday Night

Davis County Clipper, 12 September 1924, page 4
The necessity of having a good metal booth away from the audience in places where picture shows are given was apparent, Saturday night when the film at the Bountiful Theatre caught on fire. While only about ten feet of film was burned and the fire only lasted a few minutes, it made a big blaze and a hot fire which in an open room in the midst of a large audience would, no doubt, have caused a panic, resulting in a rush for the doors, small children perhaps being trodden upon.

A screw in the mechanism of one of the machines had worked loose which caused the trouble.

There is no danger of an explosion in stationary machines like those in the Bountiful Theatre and other theatres, like there is in the kind of a machine that can be carried from place to place.

Everything possible has been done to make the machines and booth still more safe than they were before.