Vogue Theatre Opens Tonight
Vernal Boasts The Most Up-To-Date Theatre In The States
Vernal Express, 29 December 1916, page 1
The new “Vogue Theatre”, that is giving its initial entertainment tonight, is a modern building in every particular. There are theaters in large cities that are fitted up equally well, but none better.
In the first place when the conservative business men, who are stockholders in this institution, put up $30,000 to erect a temple of amusement, they are sure to secure something that is the best in its class.
The building itself is substantial, convenient, sanitary, and safe. It is a gem for the purpose for which it was created, a fact which patrons will appreciate when they begin to make use of it. There are several new features that for the first time have been incorporated inn a building in this city.
The building was designed and plans drawn by Wilson, Warren and Cheesborough, architects of Salt Lake City. The building has been superintended by John Siddoway and that is equivalent to saying that there has been good honest, conscientious work done upon every detail of the structure.
The Swain Brothers had the brick contract and the pressed brick for the front was parcels posted in from Salt Lake. The size of the Theatre outside dimensions are 102 x 40 feet. It is a brick structure with concrete foundation and a watertight boiler room under the stage. The control of the underground water gave Mr. Siddoway considerable trouble when he started the building, but he finally shut it out effectually.
In the heating and ventilating system, we have something that is an innovation in Vernal. It is the Sturtevant system. The fresh air is drawn through immense steam radiators, then through the air washers. In the air washers, the outside air is forced through water, this removes dust and disease germs. A huge fan, electrically driven, then forces the air through ducts and diffuses it throughout every part of the building. The incoming air purified and heated, forces out the impure air through the air ducts in the ceiling. This process of ventilation provides for a complete change of air every five minutes. This is one of the best features ever provided in a public building in Vernal.
Another fundamental feature of the building is the trusses that support the roof. They are strong and substantial while so curved upward as to give a pleasing appearance.
The stage is so constructed as to give ample accommodation for theatrical troupes as well as the screen for the “Movies.”
Four hundred and twenty-five patrons can find seats at once in the parquet and balcony and from every seat the view of the stage is unobstructed. The lobby is parted from the parquet by massive pillars and portiers. The lobby floor is covered with tile set in cement. On each side of the lobby are rest rooms, one for ladies and one for gents. The accessories of these rooms are perfect. Here it will be possible for mothers with babes to escape from the audience a few moments when necessary, and they can give their littles home attentions without leaving the building. Both the loges and balcony will be provided with upholstered seats.
Messrs. Guest and Gleason are painting the interior of the building. The decorations will be something elaborate in that line, when completed. The curtain displays the high quality of their work.
Adjoining the balcony is the booth, where the “”Movie machine” is kept, an office, and a generator room. This room contains an electric motor that drive the generator, that furnishes thee direct current to the machines. The direct current is superior to an alternating current for projecting pictures. There are two machines so that while one is being “loaded” the other is giving off the pictures on the screen.
The picture projection machines are the Powers [missing text] 1917 model, the very latest thing.
E. Stephen (F [missing text] ark, has been secured by the [missing text] ment as electrician and to handle the picture projecting machines. He is a practical picture operator, having been in the business as an operator much of the time for the last eight years. He has traveled from Nome, Alaska to New Orleans and from The village on the Hudson to San Francisco, following his profession. He has had extended practice in operating various makes of machines and he pronounces these machines equal to any made for the purpose. His wife, Mrs. Ethel Clark, who is a graduate of the Boston Conservatory of music, has traveled extensively and has had a great deal of experience both as an actress and as a musician. She will preside at the Wurlitzer Plan-Orchestra.
The Wurlizter 'Plan Orchestra' is a combination of seventeen instruments in one and operated by one musician. The instruments are The pipe organ, piano, violin, cello, flute, orchestra bells, chimes, drums and paraphernalia that go with the drums. All or any number of these instruments can be played at once. The instrument is sweet toned and can still give forth an immense volume of tone.
It is not only the building that is equal to the best in the state for its purpose, but the manager, Mr. L. H. Allan has been successful in securing the same film service that is furnished at the American and Paramount Empress Theatres in Salt Lake. The Paramount Empress pictures will be given at the Vogue on the evenings of Mondays, Tuesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays, while the American Theatre movies will be shown on the evenings of Wednesdays and Thursdays. There will be a change of program every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday nights.
The producing companies of these pictures are Paramount service, the 'Famous Players,' the Luskey Photoplay Co.', and the 'Pallus Pictures', American Theatre service, 'Triangle Pictures.' In addition to those mentioned, the Keystone Comedies, 'Bray's Animated Cartoons” and one reel Pictographs or the “Magazine of the screen” will be shown. A seven reel program will be given every night.
For the opening program, tonight and tomorrow night, Mr. Allen has secured the same program that was used by the Paramount Empress Theatre, itself on the night it opened in Salt Lake City. This program is the famous Mary Pickford success “Poor Little Peppina.”
It is an event of unusual importance to open a $30,000 Theatre, with improvements right up to the minute, with accessories equaled by but one theatre in the state and with choice film services culled from the two best circuits in the United States.
The manager has just received a telegram that states that the American Theatre is the only one in Utah that is using the Sturtevant ventilating system. It is, however used extensively in theatres in the east.
It is now possible for residents of this part of the country to enjoy picture shows equal to any that may be seen in Salt Lake or Denver.