Alta Theatre Installs Fotoplayer
Box Elder News, 29 December 1916, page 1
Messrs Koford & Ryan have installed a Fotoplayer in the Alta theatre which takes the place of an orchestra. The instrument is built on the combined principle of a player piano and pipe organ and has all the orchestral effects. It is operated on a vacuum system like a pipe organ, the bellows being controlled by an electrically driven motor.
The player is capable of immediate shifting from one selection to another, there being two sets of playing tubes, and by the simple manipulation of a lever and the pushing of a stop, the operator can instantly change from playing "The Perfect Day" on the pipe organ to the veriest ragtime on the piano with orchestral effects.
This instrument is an American product, made in Berkley, California. and an expert from the factory, assisted by a number of factory workmen, installed it on Tuesday. The writer had the pleasure of witnessing a demonstration of the player Wednesday afternoon and was impressed with the beauty of the tone of the instrument.