Dreamland Theatre
Ogden, Utah
Charles and George Driskell were managers of the Dreamland Theatre on Washington Avenue for most of 1908. They made improvements to the playhouse in March, including the addition of landscape panels on the walls made by local artists. In August, the Dreamland added a second projector, eliminating the need for intermissions at reel changes. A claim by George Driskell that he had “worked with untiring energy” to secure exclusive engagements at the Dreamland provoked a strong response from R. W. Strong with 20th Century Optiscope, who claimed the entire credit for resolving booking conflicts lay with the national Film Service Association. Two months later, the Dreamland reopened under the management of Fred Tout and Fred Anderson.
The Princess Opened
Carbon County News, 15 May 1913, page 6
The new motion picture show, "The Princess," was opened in the Short building, in the room formerly occupied by the Liberty theatre, last Saturday night, and the opening event was so well attended that many people had to stand. Four shows were given before everybody was satisfied, and they were up-to-date pictures. The place has been doing a good business every [day] since the opening. Levi N. Harmon, jr., officiates at the piano.
In the meantime the Eko appears to be doing as good a business as ever, demonstrating that competition in the show business creates new business. It remains to be seen, however, whether Price and vicinity can support two shows.