
Surprise Theatre

Davis County Clipper, 8 July 1910, page 1
Company Incorporating to Buy Said Play House – Seating Capacity to be more than Doubled. Equipped with Modern Stage.

A company is incorporating to buy the Surprise Theatre in Bountiful.

The building will be enlarged to the extent that it will more than double the seating capacity and permit of a good stage.

The house now seats 200. It is proposed to increase the seating capacity to 500.

The stage will be strictly modern and sufficiently large to accommodate the best traveling troupes that visit small towns.

The plan is to make the building from 100 to 110 feet long.

A number of the leading men of the town are taking hold of the proposition.

It bids fair of becoming a paying investment as well as a town necessity.

Already about three-fourths of the stock required has been subscribed.