Orpheus Opening Blaze of Glory
Vernal Express, 1 December 1911
Never in the social history of Vernal has the opening ball of the beautiful Orpheus amusement hall been surpassed. Even those, who have watched with interest and enthusiasm the rise of the building from a pile of brick and stone to the magnificent structure which is a credit to our city, were astonished at the brilliant spectacle it presented last night. The lighting scheme was a delightful surprise, the floor was literally “a dream,” and the strains of the orchestra penetrating every [missing word] of the large hall left no doubt in the minds of those present as to the appropriateness of the name of “Orpheus.”
The crowd was perhaps the most representative ever gathered together in Vernal. There were high church officials and prominent business men, who together with those who are usually seen at places of amusement seemed to forget the affairs of every day life in the happiness of the hour.
The grand march which began at eight thirty was led by Don and Mrs. Don E. Colton, assisted by Mr. And Mrs. R. S. Collett with Mr. Wm M. Anderson directing. Although the hour was early, fully one hundred couples participated in the march. The flashing lights, the black suits of the men, the elegant but tasteful costumes of the women together with the happy faces of all made the spectacle of the grand march one of which a larger city in the center of things might well be proud.