Historic Orpheus Passes; 'Imperial' is New Name
Vernal Express, 6 January 1928, page 3
The Orpheus has passed into history. This popular hall now bears a new name and breathes a new atmosphere. It has assumed the aspect of a real social center for the whole community. Under the new management four very successful holiday dances were held there all well supported by the dancers of the community and each succeeding the other as an outstanding social event.
Those who got their impressions first hand at the opening on Christmas eve were half conscious of a cheery welcome feeling before they passed under the gleaming strings of red and green lights that marked the approach to the hall. As they entered the hall everything was decidedly inspiriting. On sauntering over to the cozy corner they were glad to find that the old stove had been supplanted by davenport rockers and rugs which the committee had provided without expense aside from a little ingenuity. Gleeful dancers gliding under the large illuminated Christmas bell and tripping lightly past the snow-decked pine setting on the stage offered a delightful scene of merriment. The catchy strains of music went well with the enhancement of the decorations. In all it was a merry, merry Christmas eve. That the crowd was pleased is evidenced by the fact that they brought their friends and had a delightful time again on Christmas night.
From the door receipts of the New Year's dances a prize of ten dollars was offered for a new name for the hall. Great interest was stimulated resulting in the submission of more than a hundred names. After spending considerable time in eliminating all but twenty names, the committee took an adjournment to procure additional help and to ascertain which name would grow in favor with constant use and as well fit in with the purposes of the hall. On convening again, it was evident that several names embodied the largeness of meaning appropriate to the appointments and proportions of the building. Among them was a word expressing the thought superior in size or quality, possessing commanding dignity: kingly, queenly grand. Such a word could well be applied to the common social center where all meet to have their best times together, where the whole community co-mingles and forgets its troubles and its differences. It could be applied to the court of basket ball boosters as well as the banquet hall of business men. It characterizes with propriety a theater as well as a ball room. In illustrating the use of the word, the dictionary supplies a quotation referring to the sun ad the planet “imperial” and so the committee turned the word to use: “Imperial theater,” “Imperial player,” “Imperial dance,” “Imperial basket ball team,” “Imperial banquet hall.”
The name seems to fit every purpose. Then, too, it combines well. It looks good in print. It goes well in conversation: “We had a swell time at the Imperial.” “There was a dandy crowd at the Imperial. With these tests, all indicating that the word grows in favor as you use it, the committee was unanimous in its selection of Imperial as the new name for the hall. And so as the dancers crowded around the orchestra at eleven o'clock New Years night and fixed their attention on “Happy New Year” over the pines on the stage, the new name “Imperial” was lowered on the front curtain of the stage and the prize was awarded to the fortunate contestant, Jack Olcaton.
One thing that contributed to the decided popularity of the hall was the installation of the modern moist air circulating and ventilating system. This new plant seems to turn winter into spring as you step across the threshold. We are advised that it may also be used in the summer months for cooling and circulating the air. The cost of the plant installed, aside from the local donation labor, was $1200. A subscription among the business men of Vernal to apply on this cost was met with prompt and encouraging response. Those wishing to contribute to this purpose may do so direct to the committee as no general drive will be made for these funds. All proceeds from the patronage of the hall are also turned to making the hall pleasant and attractive.
Between Christmas and New Years the work of providing more commodious cloak room accommodations was carried forward and now adds much to the comfort of patrons of the hall. When finished, these relatively inexpensive improvements will do away with the crushing and soiling of hats and wraps, a source of much embarrassment in the past. A stairway is provided for those who wish to enjoy the delightfully refreshing current that is thrown on the rear balcony free from unpleasant drafts. Here and on the stage, when finished, there will be pleasant retreats where dancers and others may repair for a little chat or to listen to the music. This will also permit a more generous supply of cooler air on the dance floor. The committee expects to finish these improvements in time for the big social event of the season, The Gold and Green Ball, which is booked for the Imperial Danante on January 20.
The new management are hopeful that with united support behind the recreation that will be offered they can provide a delightful social center where everyone can have a splendid time. We think we voice the sentiment of the whole community in saying: Success to the Imperial Hall.