SCERA Showhouse
Orem, Utah
In 1989, Richard Cook, president of Buena Vista Pictures, said of the SCERA, "It's our favorite theater . . . it is a spectacular place to see a motion picture. It gives the kind of presentation that we wish all our films would play in. It's big, it's clean, it has wonderful sound, great sight-lines. And they've been so loyal to our company and exhibited our pictures for so many years.''
Mrs. E. L. Cooper Leases 'Vogue' to Shiner Bros.
Vernal Express, 8 August 1957, page 1
Mrs. Edith R. L. Cooper, operator of the Vogue Theater, has leased the theater to Deward and Alson Shiner for three years.
The Shiner brothers are already operating the Main, Vernal and Sunset Drive-In theaters and now control all the movie theaters in the Vernal area.