
Casino Star Receives Grant from Eccles

Casino Star Theatre, 25 July 2010

The George S. and Dolores Doré Eccles Foundation, Utah’s largest charitable foundation, awarded $85,000 to the Casino Star Theatre Foundation at its July meeting. The award is a “matching” grant, which requires the grant recipient to document receipt or hard pledges for 90% of the budget before Eccles awards the “last dollar.”

“This is truly overwhelming,” remarked Diana Spencer, Director of the Casino Star Theatre Foundation, “given that we’ve struggled for every penny that’s gone into the restoration.”

Lori Nay, also a Director of the Casino Star, pointed out that the façade project started with funds in hand for just the flat stucco work. “But now, because Eccles has given us this generous grant, now we can do it all—from the marquee up.”

Diana wrote the original application to Eccles back in 2007, and received word in 2008 that a grant would be awarded provided the Casino Star could meet the match within one year.

“That’s the year our total focus was getting the theatre re-opened after the gas leak,” she continued. “We just didn’t have time to spend on Eccles’ requirements, so we asked for a one-year extension.” Just before the second deadline, she revised and resubmitted the application—successfully, at last.

Both directors expressed intense gratitude to the George S. and Dolores Doré Eccles Foundation and to all the good people buying tickets to movies and concerts, eating popcorn, and dropping change into the donation jar at the theatre who helped meet the match to complete Eccles requirements.

Thank you!