Nu-Vue Drive in Theatre to Open April 1st
Times Independent, 18 February 1954, page 1
Three local men, Bud and Wally Corbin and E. R. Carter have completed all arrangements for a drive in theare for Moab, scheduled to open April 1st.
The new drive-in will be known as the NU-VUE and will be located just out of Moab city limits on what is now the city dump, really making a new view of this eyesore.
The equipment has all be ordered, and leveling operations will be completed within a few more days. Construction of the supporting structure for the 32 ft. by 40 ft. screen will go forward at once with the timbers already on the site.
The construction of a 16 ft. by 40 ft. building to house the projection, concessions and rest rooms will also be undertaken at once, and will be rushed to completion.
It's strictly a home town project, employing local labor, and using as nearly as possible local material purchased through local suppliers. These three enterprising men deserve the whole hearted support of the community in this very worthwhile business venture. Moab will be proud of this new business which is scheduled to open for business by April 1.