It's a Battle of Drive-in Theatres Here
Times Independent, 4 March 1954, page 1
Two Cortez men, Jack Crowson and Jack McCluskey, announced Friday of last week that they were putting in a drive-in-theatre, the third announced for Moab in the last several weeks.
They purchased a site from Otho Murphy three weeks ago and contracted with the National Theatre Supply in Denver, Colo. For their equipment, some of which is scheduled to arrive the first of next week.
The site of the new drive-in is the top of the hill just east of the cement water tank south of town where the work of contouring has been completed.
The latest in cinemascope projectors have been purchased and a 60 x 70 ft. screen will be erected in such a way as to provide for remodeling as soon as cinemascope is made available for drive-ins, say the promoters.
Negotiations have been in process for about three months, stated Mr. Crowson.