Orpheus Hall
Vernal, Utah
C. W. Showalter, and Andrew King opened the Orpheus Hall on Thanksgiving Day, 30 November 1911. The amusement hall had a spring dance floor, but was also used for roller skating, basketball, banquets, and movies. It was named after the Greek god of Mirth, “a famous musician who is reputed to have had power to entrance men, beasts, and inanimate objects by the music of his lyre.” At 11:00 PM on New Years Eve, 1928, the hall was renamed Imperial Hall. In a ceremony on 20 April 1965, Governor Governor Calvin L. Rampton took a sledge hammer and delivered the first blow in the demolition of the hall as part of a community beautification campaign.
New Church Film Testifies of Christ
Ensign, 1 May 2000
Article Summary:
The Testaments of One Fold and One Shepherd:
- opened on 24 March 2000
- 70-mm film with Surround Sound
- 65-minute
- high-quality computer-enhanced scenes
- music performed by the Mormon Tabernacle Choir and Orchestra at Temple Square
- filmed in Hawaii, California, and Utah
- Tells “accounts of Christ’s life and Atonement as related in the Bible and the Book of Mormon are told in conjunction with a fictional story of a family living in the New World during Book of Mormon times.”