Old Jones Hall Destroyed; Loss Reaches $9,000
Beaver City Press, 10 January 1913, page 1
The most disastrous fire since the burning of the Beaver Equitable in 1907, broke out in the Jones hall about 6 o'clock Sunday morning.
A heavy stock of hardware, valued at between five and six thousand dollars, was stored in the basement of the building and, with the exception of a small amount of galvanized piping belonging to the water service company, the whole loss, building and all, falls on Mr. John F. Jones. The total loss will reach $9,000 or more, as there was no insurance carried.
The sympathy of Beaver people and citizens throughout the county is expressed for Mr. Jones, as he is one of the most favorably known of our business men. He is interested in almost every enterprise of any note in this end of the county. It is probable that he will rebuild and put in a new stock of hardware.