
Steps Taken to Prepare Hotel Site

Orders Given for Razing of Utah Theatre in Ogden

Ogden Standard Examiner, 14 April 1925, page 1

Authorization was given by the directors of the community hotel fund and officials of the Reed Hotel company this morning to architects to immediately begin negotiations with a wrecking company for a contract to raze the Utah theatre building, which is to be a portion of the site of the new combined community hotel and the Reed hotel, according to A. P. Bigelow, president of the Reed Hotel company.

About May 7.

Actual work of tearing down the theatre structure is to begin immediately after May 7, when the lease of the Perry estate expires, or sooner, if the theatre is vacated.  While May 7 has been set as the final moving date, it is hoped that the building will be vacated sooner so the work may be begun.

Contract for the razing of a portion of the Reed hotel will be let at a later date, it was said, and after another meeting of the directors.

Much preparatory work can be done through the tearing down of the theatre building before the Reed hotel is disturbed, it was said, and work can proceed in excavating the basement.

The directors this morning further studied the building plans as they have progressed under the architect and discussed many of the problems of construction.  Such details as the number of shower baths on the floors, their location and other items for convenience where before the directors.

Another Contract.

Contract for wrecking a portion of the Reed hotel will be let separate to the contract for the tearing down of the theatre, it was said, and further consideration of the plans from the engineering standpoint will be discussed before this contract is awarded.

The meeting this morning was a definite step toward actual work and after plans are completely worked out the construction will proceed without delay, Mr. Bigelow said.