News and Views
Ogden Standard Examiner, 30 August 1931, page 1
On September 1, which is next Tuesday, at 8:30 in the evening, the curtain will go up for the first time in Ogden's community theatre.
The old Cozy theatre has been remodeled, brightened with paint, and made most attractive. The stage has been enlarged and carpeted.
The seating has been changed to afford greater comfort.
All is ready for the opening night when the people of Ogden will be privileged to lend their presence and thus encourage the dramatic talent of this community.
There is a fine way presented by which to hearten those who are laboring so hard to make this effort a real triumph.
The main object of the theatre is to cultivate the artistic side of the community, giving pleasing and wholesome entertainment and provide a medium of expression for those capable of playing their parts.
The management has made this rule: The plays will open on time, there will be short intermissions and the close will be on time. There will be no tiresome delays and no drag.
While the first play is on, two more plays will be in rehearsal and those who would like to try out, are invited to get in touch with the management at the theatre.
There will be a box provided in which may be dropped after each play constructive criticism of play or actors.
Suggestions will be invited to help guide the undertaking to success.
There is an admirable spirit back of this theatre, prompted by a labor of love and a sincere desire to give to Ogden that which other places have found to be uplifting, educational, and refining.
The theatre will be whatever Ogden makes it. Ogden has an opportunity to find in this form of self-expression its bigger self.