
Dreamland Replies to Strong's Attack

Ogden Standard Examiner, 31 August 1908, page 6

In reply to the article published in the Sunday Examiner, over Mr. Strong's signature, will say that we are at a loss to know why Mr. Strong should take the matter upon himself, as he was not in any way mentioned or concerned. If Mr. Strong will adjust his glasses a little more carefully and re-read our article more intelligently, he will discover that Dreamland didn't claim to have any agreement with any house in Ogden, but simply stated that an agreement had been brought about whereby conflicting pictures would not be shown by competing houses, which state of affairs would be much to the credit and advantage of all concerned. We also challenge any one to prove that we have not worked hard for such a state of affairs. So far as any statement we make is concerned, we are on the ground with undeniable proof to back up any statement we may make to the public concerning our business, without being called “liars and falsifiers” by Mr. Strong.

Moreover, as we have never had any business transactions with Mr. Strong, we would like to know how he can deny or affirm any statements made by Dreamland in regard to agreements made between ourselves and the firm which supplies us with films.

G. W. Driskell,
Manager Dreamland, the Home of Moving Pictures