Isis Theater
Salt Lake City, Utah
Open in 1908, the Isis Theatre was one of the first motion picture theaters in Salt Lake City. Its manager in 1910 was Max Florence, who a year later tried to blackmail the LDS Church by selling amateur photos of the Salt Lake Temple interior. Dan Kostopulos, a benefactor of underprivileged children, later renamed it the Broadway Theatre. In a 1976 press conference, Palace Theatre operator Lee Harper complained bitterly of persecution, made acusations of police brutality, threatened the life of a local judge, and accused the LDS Church of being involved with the assassinations of John F. Kennedy and Martin Luthar King.
Lyceum Theater
Ogden Standard Examiner, 16 November 1903, page 6
The Sunday concerts given at this cozy place of amusement yesterday afternoon and evening were more than a success. The Ogden Mandolin club was very entertaining, also the new series of moving pictures and illustrated songs. This week there will be an entire change of programme, beginning today at 3:30 p. m., when the Great Hoevet will introduce his wonderful electric musical specialty.