SCERA Showhouse
Orem, Utah
In 1989, Richard Cook, president of Buena Vista Pictures, said of the SCERA, "It's our favorite theater . . . it is a spectacular place to see a motion picture. It gives the kind of presentation that we wish all our films would play in. It's big, it's clean, it has wonderful sound, great sight-lines. And they've been so loyal to our company and exhibited our pictures for so many years.''
Capra Festival at the Avalon
By Christopher Hicks, Movie Critic
Deseret News, 5 August 1988, page W7
Article Summary:
The Avalon Theater has begun a five-week festival of the best of Frank Capra's early movies. Columbia Pictures recently made new, high-quality 35mm prints, which are starting to make the rounds in repertory houses. The films are not yet available on television or video.