Bumbleberry Theatre
Springdale, Utah
Located one mile from the entrance of Zion National Park, the Bumbleberry Theatre features world-class entertainment in Springdale Utah. Known for their original musical productions, the Bumbleberry Theatre continues to rival shows as seen in Branson, MO and beyond. With electrifying performances and high-energy variety, you will experience music, dance, comedy and more. Special guest entertainers will also be featured throughout the year in Bumbleberry’s new concert series.
Murray Eagle, 17 May 1956, page 10
Reminiscing in Murray City Pharmacy the other day was Mrs. Conrad Nelson, a long-time Murrayite. "Why I remember," said she, "when the north side of this drug store was the Happy Hour Theatre. They showed silent movies back about 1910 or 11; had a player piano in front and sometimes, for an occasion, somebody sang or played an instrument between films."
"Pretty small theatre, wasn't it?" she was asked.
"Yes, it was - but it was only one Murray had in those days."
Well, now we have a much and a much bigger theatre - and a much bigger drugstore in the old locale too.