
[Temporary Hiatus]

(Theater), 16 March 2020

**UPDATED 3/25 at 11:15 am** In an effort to reduce the exposure of both the public and our staff to the Coronavirus (COVID-19), the City of St. George will follow a recent federal recommendation which advises against gatherings of more than 10 people. The following City buildings will close starting the morning of Tuesday, March 17 and remained closed until further notice:

City Council and Planning Commission meetings will be canceled for at least the next two weeks.

Employees at City Hall are available to assist you either over the phone at 435-627-4000 or online at

For questions about recreation, arts and parks, please call 435-627-4500. The drive-up window will remain open to accept utility payments.

The lobby to the St. George Police Department is open. The non-emergency number for dispatch is 435-627-4300.

Please note that the following organizations that utilize City buildings/property have also gone on temporary hiatus:

Please understand that this is a fluid situation. Thanks for your understanding and we will do our best to keep you informed.