
[Reopening on 15 March]

Facebook, 15 March 2020

Tonight our show will start at 10 pm. The rest of the run will be 7 pm. We will be showing VALLEY GIRL, PG13 . We will have the outside marked for social distancing and ask that you line up towards A&W/Canyon. When you come in it will be 10 at a time (family counts as one)- please get your seats first and enter for seating thru the right side- we will be helping along the way to make this as smooth as possible- please come early at least 30 minutes as the process will take longer. Please note instructions posted here that will be posted at thester! Welcome back! If you want popcorn and goodies and cannot stay for show you are welcome to come and get it while the movie is playing- if cautious of coming inside, we can meet you at the door! Thanks for all your support!