People's Opera House
Exterior Photos
Exterior Photos

Grant Smith
26 May 2006

Davis County Clipper, Page 4, 7 February 1902

Courtesy of Tom Tolman, Summer 1915

"This building once housed the largest business in Davis County. It opened in 1869 with a general dry goods store and a post office on the ground floor. An elegant stairway led from the street directly upstairs to a large high-ceilinged room with hardwood dance floor and a stage. This was the setting for community events such as plays, operas, concerts and balls. In 1913 the business became THE DAVIS COUNTY FURNITURE COMPANY. Its operation spread to the second floor and made it necessary to create a third floor from the high-ceilinged room. UNION FURNITURE COMPANY was a result of a merger with THE HOLBROOK AND SMEDLEY FURNITURE COMPANY in 1923. The facility also served the community as a casket supply and eventually made a hearse available. This was the nucleus for the later UNION MORTUARY."
Grant Smith
26 May 2006