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Walker Cinemas
Cinefour Theatres
2297 North Main Street
Logan, Utah 84321
435 753-6444
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Cinefour Theatres
Exterior Photos
The sign of the Cinefour Theaters.
Grant Smith
7 May 2011
Front facade of the Cinefour Theatres.
Grant Smith
7 May 2011
Entrance of the theater.
Grant Smith
7 May 2011
The entrance of the theater has two poster cases on either side and a half-circle neon pattern above.
Grant Smith
7 May 2011
Two poster cases on the right side of the entrance.
Grant Smith
7 May 2011
The southeast corner of the building.
Grant Smith
7 May 2011
The name of the theater on the east exterior wall.
Grant Smith
7 May 2011
An exit and ramp on the east side of the theater.
Grant Smith
7 May 2011
The north exterior wall of the theater.
Grant Smith
7 May 2011