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Promised Valley Playhouse
132 South State Street
Salt Lake City, Utah
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Promised Valley Playhouse
Entrance Photos
Front of the Promised Valley Playhouse.
Grant Smith
27 September 2001
The entrance to the theater.
Grant Smith
27 September 2001
Larger-than-life heads guard the front entry.
Grant Smith
27 September 2001
A close-up of one of the heads near the front entrance.
Grant Smith
27 September 2001
The box office.
Grant Smith
27 September 2001
Exit on the south side. A stairway leads up to the right.
Grant Smith
27 September 2001
Close-up of the south exit.
Grant Smith
27 September 2001
A garage door in the front of the building, south side.
Grant Smith
27 September 2001
Entrance Panorama