Colemans Motor-Vu Drive-In
Exterior Photos
The sign of the Motor-Vu Drive-In. - , Utah
The sign of the Motor-Vu Drive-In.
Grant Smith
7 September 2004
The sign and entry drive of the Motor-Vu Drive-In.  On the left is Screen 4.  In the distance behind the sign are the three main ticket booths. - , Utah
The sign and entry drive of the Motor-Vu Drive-In. On the left is Screen 4. In the distance behind the sign are the three main ticket booths.
Grant Smith
7 September 2004
The three main ticket booths of the Motor-Vu Drive-In.  Behind them on the left is Screen 2. - , Utah
The three main ticket booths of the Motor-Vu Drive-In. Behind them on the left is Screen 2.
Grant Smith
7 September 2004
The back side of the original screen tower at the Motor-Vu Drive-In. - , Utah
The back side of the original screen tower at the Motor-Vu Drive-In.
Grant Smith
7 September 2004
Behind Screen 1 of the Motor-Vu Drive-In is another box office ticket window. - , Utah
Behind Screen 1 of the Motor-Vu Drive-In is another box office ticket window.
Grant Smith
7 September 2004
Screen 2 at the Motor-Vu Drive-In.  On the left is a small Snak-Shak. - , Utah
Screen 2 at the Motor-Vu Drive-In. On the left is a small Snak-Shak.
Grant Smith
7 September 2004
Screen 3 of the Motor-Vu Drive-In and its small projection building. - , Utah
Screen 3 of the Motor-Vu Drive-In and its small projection building.
Grant Smith
7 September 2004
Screen 4 at the Motor-Vu Drive-In and its exit. - , Utah
Screen 4 at the Motor-Vu Drive-In and its exit.
Grant Smith
7 September 2004