The screen tower of the drive-in. Grant Smith 2 July 2005
Looking towards the screen from near the projection building. Grant Smith 2 July 2005
Two horses stand in a field behind the theater's screen tower. Grant Smith 2 July 2005
The projection booth is located on the second floor of the snack bar building. Grant Smith 2 July 2005
A row of old speaker poles, minus the speakers, is surrounded by growing weeds. Grant Smith 2 July 2005
The snack bar and projection building, from the side. The screen is off to the left. It appears that the projector may still be in the booth. Grant Smith 2 July 2005
The ticket booth, by the side of the snack bar. Grant Smith 2 July 2005
The back side of the snack bar building. Grant Smith 2 July 2005