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Providence Opera House
10 South Main Street
Providence, Utah 84332
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Providence Opera House
Exterior Photos
The Providence Inn Bed and Breakfast.
Grant Smith
15 October 2010
The south wing of the Providence Inn.
Grant Smith
15 October 2010
The entrance of the Providence Inn.
Grant Smith
15 October 2010
An entrance door with "Rock Church" written in the glass of the windows.
Grant Smith
15 October 2010
A now-unused entrance door, flanked by windows, in the original portion of the building.
Grant Smith
15 October 2010
A historical plaque from the Daughters of Utah Pioneers.
Grant Smith
15 October 2010
A plaque from the National Register of Historic Place.
Grant Smith
15 October 2010
An exterior stairway for the attic level.
Grant Smith
15 October 2010
Additions at the rear of the building.
Grant Smith
15 October 2010