
Leaves to Purchase New Theater Equipment

Grand Valley Times, 5 September 1919, page 1
D. A. Johnson left on Sunday's stage for Salt Lake City, where he will purchase equipment for the Star Theater company, which will soon install a moving picture show in the Star hall. At Salt Lake Mr. Johnson had an appointment to meet and experienced theater man, whose services had been secured to assist in selecting the equipment. Mr. Johnson, who will be manager of the theater, will remain in Salt Lake until he is thoroughly familiar with all branches of the business.

The company has already purchased a gasoline engine and electric dynamo, the intention being to generate its own electricity. A first-class projecting machine, a player-piano, and other equipment will also be purchased.

The Star company is practically organized, and is fully financed. During the past month the hall has been improved, some $700 having been expended. By the time the equipment is on hand, everything will be in readiness to open for business. It is expected that the theater will commence productions in about six weeks or two months.