Hill Top Drive-In
Screen Tower
Sage brush grows up through the remains of the Hill Top Drive In's screen. - , Utah
Clean cuts on the wooden supports indicate the screen tower was cut down deliberately and left to crumble on the ground.
Grant Smith
9 June 2011
Looking across the screen from the north. - , Utah
Sage brush grows up through the remains of the Hill Top Drive In's screen.
Grant Smith
9 June 2011
Concrete foundations for the screen tower.  - , Utah
Concrete foundations for the screen tower. 
Grant Smith
9 June 2011
Looking southwest across two rows of concrete foundations for the screen tower. - , Utah
Looking southwest across two rows of concrete foundations for the screen tower.
Grant Smith
9 June 2011
Looking south across the screen tower foundations. - , Utah
Looking south across the screen tower foundations.
Grant Smith
9 June 2011
Looking north towards the water tower. - , Utah
Looking north towards the water tower.
Grant Smith
9 June 2011
Looking north across the screen. - , Utah
Looking north across the screen.
Grant Smith
9 June 2011
A panorama of the fallen screen tower. - , Utah
A panorama of the fallen screen tower.
Grant Smith
9 June 2011