
New Theatre Will Open

Has Been Constructed According to Fire Regulations

Ogden Standard Examiner, 8 March 1904, page 6
It Will Present Clean, High-Class Vaudeville to the People

The opening of the Pastime theater will occur this evening at 7:30 o'clock as previously announced. Everything is in readiness, the company has arrived and all details attendant upon the opening have been carefully looked after. The Pastime management will present to the public modern, refined vaudeville. Their house, although hastily constructed, has been designed according to fire regulations, and every known attribute for the safety and convenience of the public has been embraced in its construction. The building has been pronounced by experts to be the safest, most convenient and modern in the inter-mountain region. The interior includes a balcony from which a splendid view may be obtained, and the management expect to make this portion of the house a desirable location for ladies and gentlemen. The gallery has been built with special attention to strength and is guaranteed to safely sustain all the weight that can be placed upon it. Mr. Fred Howard did the carpenter work and designing. T. C. Morris the painting, Stanley Stevens the electrical work, and Mr. Taylor the paper hanging. These gentlemen are to be congratulated upon the excellence of work in each department. The house, although rushed to completion quickly, has not been slighted in any particular from the stage door to the box office. Mr. Chase E. Hill, who manages the new house, has placed the Pastime on the best western circuit, and expects to produce at all times talent that will please the most critical and will make this theater a place patronized by the best class of theatre goers, and will give a show that will suite the most critical. The opening bill is a strong one, and the house will be thrown open to the public tonight at 7:30 with three performances.