The Pastime
Ogden Standard Examiner, 31 October 1904, page 8
Commencing on Monday, Oct. 21, the Pastime theatre will give five performances daily, excepting Sundays, when but three will be given. The weekday performances will be at the hours of three and four in the afternoon and 7:30, 8:30 and 9:30 in the evening. The Sunday concerts will be given at the old hours of 3:30 in the afternoon, and 8:00 and 9:15 in the evening. The management has lately installed a steam-heating system which makes this popular playhouse as cosy and comfortable as any, and the public need not fear that it will run chances of being frozen while being entertained.
The Great Ver Valin, the man with many voices, who with his wonderful walking, talking and dancing figures, made such a hit at this theatre last week, has been re-engaged for this week together with other new and up-to-date attractions; among them being Eddie De Voe, the acrobatic tramp, direct from the east; Wm. Fisher, assisted by Baby Fisher, in a great contortion act. Baby Fisher is accredited as being the world's greatest child artist now on the vaudeville stage.