
Grand Opening of New Picture Theater

Millard County Progress, 15 December 1916, page 1
The people of Fillmore will be given a rare treat on Saturday evening (tomorrow night) for on that date Fillmore's new Picture Theater will be thrown open to the public for the first time, and Mr. Smart has secured a program, par excellence, for the occasion.

The picture to be shown is “The Pool of Flame”, written by Louis Joseph Vance and dramatized and produced by David Belasco, the eminent theatrical producer. The picture will be shown in five reels and is guaranteed to satisfy the most exacting in the way of thrills and entertainment.

Coupled with the fact that Mr. Smart has secured the above excellent program will be the novelty of enjoying a picture performance in a building devoted exclusively to this enterprise and built especially for this purpose. Although the metal ceiling has not yet arrived nor the new opera chairs ordered for the theater, the shipment being delayed by congested freight conditions on the railroad, the building has been newly painted throughout and is otherwise ready for the initial performance. Two large heaters have been installed and will be going in full blast, so that the comfort of the audience is assured. Don't forget that opening night is Saturday, December 16th and that there will be two shows, one at 7:30 and the other at 9:30 p.m., and EVERYBODY BE THERE.