50cent Ticket Price Increase at Water Gardens PG6 and SF8
Water Gardens Theatres, 10 May 2012
Effective Friday, May 25th, all tickets for all shows at Water Gardens Cinema 6 in Pleasant Grove and Water Gardens Spanish 8 will increase by 50¢ to $3.50 per person.
We have decided to proactively tell our customers of this change in advance and to provide a detailed explanation. We began this chain on the idea that, to borrow from Field of Dreams, “if you build it, they will come. “ We were told by our friends and neighbors that if we created a theater that was clean, family-friendly and affordable, the community would come together to support us. In that belief we started the Water Gardens chain almost two years ago. We are pleased to say that we have been wonderfully supported and Water Gardens has been a success. However, we are facing a new and very difficult challenge. The major film studios have collectively decided to mandate the conversion of all theaters to digital projection by the end of 2013. About that time, they will cease to produce film and any theater without digital projection equipment will be left without any new content. The studios stand to save a great deal of money by switching to the digital format and are heavily subsidizing the effort for first-run movie theaters. Unfortunately, sub-runs like Water Gardens are not eligible for the same generous subsidies. It will cost $1,000,000.00 or more to convert the 18 screens in our chain to digital and provide better adaptive equipment for the vision and hearing impaired. We have run our numbers every way possible and there is simply no way we can make that type of money prior to the deadline approaching only 18 months away. Despite significant cost increases, at the present time we are keeping all concessions prices at the same $1, $2, and $3 values. Simply said, the decision to raise our price 50c is the decision to keep Water Gardens in business and serving our communities. We hope that you will agree it is worth it.