
Alhambra Theater Soon Will be Finished

Ogden Standard Examiner, 10 February 1915, page 8

A large force of plasterers are engaged on the interior of the Alhambra theatre, and rapid progress is otherwise being made in finishing the structure. It was expected that the theatre would be ready for use by March 1, but it is stated by the builders that the house cannot be opened on that date. There has been delay in the interior work on account of continued cold weather.

Progress is also being made in finishing work on the interior of the upper floor of the Dee-Eccles estates social and business block on Twenty-fourth street, between Hudson and Grant avenues. Plasters and painters are placing the social hall in readiness for early use and carpenters are engaged on the ground floor store rooms fronts. It will be a number of weeks, however, before the building can be used.