
Extreme Theater not enough

Grove Theatre faces uncertain future in downtown Pl. Grove

New Utah, 11 March 2004, page 1

Article Summary:

On Saturday, 6 March 2004, Pleasant Grove's Grove Theatre held a fundraiser featuring five plays that were written, practiced, and performed in 24 hours.  On Friday, directors, actors, set pieces, and prompts were randomly assigned to a playwrite.  The playwrights left around 8 p.m. and returned hours later with original scripts written specifically with each actor, prop, and set in mind.

The event came up over $1,300 short of its $2,000 goal, barely enough to pay for itself.  The funds were to help the theater recover from the controversial closing of a Neil Simon play a week before its opening, leaving the seats empty and losing nearly $20,000.

The "Save the Grove Fund" account at Western Community Bank is vacant.

Gayliene Omary has been personally financing the theater for a year and now faces a large mortgage payment in June that might close the company down.

The Grove Theatre has produced 14 plays in 11 months.  Over 1,000 people attended "Tony and Tina's Wedding."  If the seats fill up for the performances through June, the theater may be able to recuperate.