Moving Picture Show Every Night in Week
Eastern Utah Advocate, 20 April 1911, page 1
Price is to have a permanent moving picture show in the future. Messrs Sturtevant & Robinson have leased the Rogers building just east of the Price Commercial and Savings bank and will give a show every night in the week. The first performance will be given Saturday evening. It is the intention to change the pictures three times a week, Monday, Wednesday and Friday. These men understand the business and will run a first-class house. The admission will be ten cents. Frank Robinson is the manager.
In order to properly introduce the new theater to the people of Price, the management has announced a change of program for every night of the opening week, and an added feature each night will be a performance by the Great Lazern company, hypnotists and ventriloquists. The price of admission for the opening week will be 15c and 25c.