
Concert proceeds to save theater fall short

Daily Herald, 13 April 2004, page D1

Article Summary:

Only about 80 people showed up at a fund-raising concert for the Grove Theatre at the Pleasant Grove Rodeo Grounds on 12 April 2004, featuring the Brunson Brothers and Jamie Glaser.  Organizers had hoped to raise enough money to keep the the Grove Theatre afloat for another month, but now the theater will be repossessed by the bank in June unless "theater angels" (investors) step up with at least $100,000.

Money from other fund-raisers and donation boxes at downtown Pleasant Grove businesses are not enough to cover the cost of putting on another production.  Four shows of the theater's last production, "Grab Net" were canceled because of a lack of audiences and the next two productions, "Guys and Dolls" and the "Twelfth Night," have been canceled.

The building used by the Grove Theatre Academy has been taken back by the owner because the theater could not make the lease payments.