Looking toward the balcony from the main floor of the auditorium. Grant Smith 13 July 2013
The center seating section of the balcony. Grant Smith 13 July 2013
The left aisle (looking toward the screen). Grant Smith 13 July 2013
The left seating section, with four rows of four seats each. The side sections originally extended backward alongside the projection booth, but the wall of the booth was later extended to cover the whole width of the balcony. Grant Smith 13 July 2013
Looking back toward the projection windows. Grant Smith 13 July 2013
Looking across the balcony from the front right corner. Grant Smith 13 July 2013
The center seating section and projection windows. Grant Smith 13 July 2013
Looking across the balcony from the back right corner. Grant Smith 13 July 2013
The projection windows and balcony seating. Grant Smith 13 July 2013
Looking toward the screen from the front left of the balcony. Grant Smith 13 July 2013
Looking down on the lower seating section from the balcony. Grant Smith 13 July 2013
The main level of the auditorium from the balcony, taken with a flash. Grant Smith 13 July 2013