An employee reads a notice about a company party that jokingly proclaims, "Everyone (even the low-life cleaner boys) are encouraged to come (or they will be terminated!)" Courtesy of the Tullis Family
A skit in front of the screen in the south dome, at an employee party. Courtesy of the Tullis Family
Laurie Hansen and Jan Oram model blue polyester uniforms from 1977 at the December 1983 Christmas party. Courtesy of the Tullis Family, December 1983
Mae and Maxine model the checked uniform from the 70s at the Christmas Party fashion show. Courtesy of the Tullis Family, December 1983
Employees spell out 'Happy New Year' using marquee letters. Courtesy of the Tullis Family
A balloon stomp in the lobby. Courtesy of the Tullis Family
A summer picnic. Summer 1983
Employees pose for a photo in the back store room. Courtesy of the Tullis Family
Beverly Mann holds a birthday cake, while Janae and Ruth Simmons look at a card. Beverly's children, Karlene and Kyle stand in the background. Courtesy of the Tullis Family
Beverly Mann and her daughter Karlene with a 'Happy Birthday to the Mann Women' cake and a card that reads, 'Happy Birthday to the Most Beloved Mother-Daughter Combo at the Cinedome." Courtesy of the Tullis Family
Laughing employees pose for a photo behind the snack bar. Courtesy of the Tullis Family
Three employees pretend to read books two others hold a soccer ball and football. Courtesy of the Tullis Family, 6 October 1973