Megaplex Theatres at The District Projection Photos
A print of the movie Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire sits on the platter system of the 35mm projector for Theater 15. The film is fed from the center of the top platter through the projector and then is stored on the bottom platter. Adam Smart 12 May 2006
A Megaplex Theatres employee holds a hard drive containing the digital film version of V for Vendetta. The resolution of the film is 1920 x 804 pixels and includes seven previews and trailers for DLP, Dolby Digital Cinema, and THX. Adam Smart 12 May 2006
Theater 13 is equipped with both 35mm and digital projectors. Grant Smith 12 May 2006
The digital projector for Theater 13. Ten of the auditoriums at the Megaplex 20 at the District are equipped with Dolby Digital Cinema. Grant Smith 12 May 2006
The digital projector for Theater 12, with two racks of Dobly Digital Cinema equipment in the background. Grant Smith 12 May 2006
Two racks of equipment for the Dolby Digital Cinema projector for Theater 12. Grant Smith 12 May 2006
Members of the media are given a demonstration of digital projection in Theater 13. This photo combines two separate shots: one of the auditorium and the other a scene from Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire as it appeared on the screen. Grant Smith 12 May 2006
Members of the media discuss digital projection with the staff of the Megaplex 20, while a scene from Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire plays on the screen. Grant Smith 12 May 2006
The 35mm projector and platter system for Theater 17. Grant Smith 12 May 2006