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Logan Art Cinema
785 North Main Street
Logan, Utah 84321
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Logan Art Cinema
Logan Art Photos
The front of the Logan Art Cinemas.
Grant Smith
7 May 2011
The logo of the Logan Arthouse and Cinema.
The front of the Logan Art Cinema.
Grant Smith
7 May 2011
A bricked up doorway and boarded windows along the north exterior wall.
Grant Smith
7 May 2011
The name of the theater, painted on the north exterior wall.
Grant Smith
7 May 2011
Boarded up windows and a door in the north exterior wall.
Grant Smith
7 May 2011
The west exterior wall of the theater.
Grant Smith
7 May 2011
Office space for Harris Air, Inc.
Grant Smith
7 May 2011
A door and poster case in the middle of the west exterior wall.
Grant Smith
7 May 2011
"Reel Time", written in wood, and the rear wall of the theater.
Grant Smith
7 May 2011
An exterior door on the west exterior wall.
Grant Smith
7 May 2011