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River Vu Drive-In Theater
1100 East Main Street
Green River, Utah 84525
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River Vu Drive-In Theater
Site Photos
A sign Dunham Melons stands on the northwest corner of the River Vu site.
Grant Smith
10 June 2011
A building for Dunham Melons.
Grant Smith
10 June 2011
Looking from the highway towards the screen tower.
Grant Smith
10 June 2011
The drive-in's sign was cut down and dumped next to the screen.
Grant Smith
10 June 2011
Looking towards the screen from the northeast corner of the site.
Grant Smith
10 June 2011
Looking along the front of the site, towards the northwest corner.
Grant Smith
10 June 2011
Looking west along one of the rows of parking.
Grant Smith
10 June 2011
A pole lies on the ground.
Grant Smith
10 June 2011