The front facade of the Utah Theatre building in 2001. The entrance was boarded up and painted with a checker board design.
Grant Smith 27 September 2001
The entrance of the Utah Theatre in 2001. Grant Smith 27 September 2001
In the background on the left is the lobby,rising in two levels. The balcony projection booth extends over the lobby, with an air conditioner sitting in a window. To the right is the exterior of the auditorium. Grant Smith 7 June 2002
The auditorium of the Utah Theatre rises above a power plant in the foreground. On the left of the theater is a two-level building that has been converted into a parking garage. In the upper left of the photo is the exterior wall of the Capitol Theatre's stage. Grant Smith 23 March 2007
A banner hangs next to the blank marquee with the text, "Historic Pantages / Utah Theater. Free Tours. July 9, July 14, August 11, 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Presented by Utah Heritage Foundation in partnership with the Redevelopment Agency of Salt Lake City." Grant Smith 120811 11 August 2012
The sign and entrance of the Utah Theatre. Grant Smith 23 October 2010
The front facade, with "Utah Arts" above a blank attraction board. Grant Smith 4 July 2016
A view of the Utah Theater from across Main Street. Grant Smith 7 June 2001
On the left in the foreground is the west side of a three-level parking garage, with the flyloft of the Utah Theatre rising behind it. In the background on the right, inches away from the Utah is the rear wall of the Capitol Theatre. A driveway provides access to two sets of metal doors for the Utah Theatre. Grant Smith 7 June 2001