The Mickey Mouse Club treated children to ten cartoons, including Mickey Mouse, Bugs Bunny, Tom and Jerry. Following the cartoons would be a stage show and a serial, such as 'Undersea Kingdom', 'Atom Man vs Superman', 'Radar Men from the Moon'. The club name was later changed to the Hiland Cartoon Roundup, after Hiland Dairy took over sponsorship from the Salt Lake Tribune. Courtesy of Roger Barker, About 1947
The Bible, "filmed in D-150," at the Utah Theatre. Deseret News, page A10, 16 January 1967
Farewell performance for The Sound of Music, at the end of its 95-week run at the Utah Theatre. Deseret News, 17 January 1967
Blue ends tonight, as the Utah Theatre closes for "extensive remodeling." Deseret News, page A9, 7 May 1968