An advertisement for Jack Holt in <span style='font-style: italic;'>Avalanche</span>, at the L. D. S. Church on Monday night. - , Utah
29 May 1930
Monticello Ward

165 South Main Street
Monticello, Utah 84535

(Mid 1920s - After 1930)

By the mid 1920s, a booth with two projectors was built at the back of the LDS chapel. “While one roll of film was running, the projectionist placed the next roll on the other machine.” Chester Black operated the machines, with Donald Evans as assistant. [1]

Evans also helped announce the films. He recalls, “Marvin Dalton announced the title of the show and the name of the actor or actors with a megaphone during the afternoon and evening before it started. Later Marvin gave up the job and I took over. I borrowed a megaphone which came off a broken photograph belonging to the Adams' family. I would pause at every second corner on the outer perimeter of town and call out, 'Show tonight at the church house.'” [1]

1. “The Early Movie Scene: Monticello”, by Donald Evans, Blue Mountain Shadows, Volume 8, Summer 1991, page 35